< Memorial Hall of Lee, Kyoung-Hae / Message to Lee
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angki purbandono
i stay in seoul for a years and i didn't know very well about all history your country. i just saw how your country became great industrial and big consumerism and i found your story...i can feel what u did..restinpeace!   / 2006.03.06
Robin Upton
Lee Kyung Hae, I don't know your story, but your suicide rocked the trade talks, and sent a twin message to the world. The cowards who hide behind money in one way or another shrank further into moral oblivion at this new display of the altruism so far from their hearts.
There are still more who do not shrink from the consequences of their actions, but thrill in the chance to be part of a larger whole, of a world community, of an interconnected web of life. Surely you have warmed the hearts of all such free men. In the period of adjustment which lies ahead, your spirit of self-denial will be more necessary than most of us realise. In the darkness of the unknown, you have burned brightly as a beacon of hope. Mr. Lee, I salute you.

[To the site administrators: I am an English teacher, and would be happy to improve the English on this site if you like. You can contact me via www.altruists.org]   / 2005.12.12
daniel tromben
Este mensaje es para ti, hare todo lo posible para que tu grito sea escuchado. Gracias por tu generosidad, tu muerte sirve, tu sangre nutre, tus esfuerzos y tus palabras siembran fuerza y energia.Pronto vendra el dia en el que se daran cuenta de la emergencia y la lucidez de tu grito.   / 2004.02.09
Tulio Arroyo Marroquin?
A Lee Kyung Hae, a su familia, a sus amigos de todo el mundo,

Tu inmolacion fue la dolorosa leccion de como la OMC efectivamente mata campesinos. Eso decia el letrero que portabas cuando trepaste a la valla metalica en Cancun. Tu sabias perfectamente lo que podria significar tu inmolacion, sabias que los suicidios entre quienes trabajan el campo en el planeta Tierra son muy abundantes, pero pasaban ignorados por el poder, tu determinacion gigante premio tu proposito de amor por la humanidad, por los que murieron, por los tuyos, y por quienes trabajan la tierra. Tu escogiste tu forma de lucha, tu valentia es patrimonio universal. Tulio Arroyo Marroquin, Cancun, Mexico, 2 de noviembre de 2003.   / 2003.11.04
Mavic Cabrera-Balleza
Lee, I understand and fully sympathize with you and your family. I know how small farmers all over the world are slowly dying because of globalization and WTO policies that favor only the big corporate farmers. I hope no more lives need to be sacrificed to be able todraw the attetion of politicians and policy makers. Rest assured that we will continue te struggle. May you rest in peace.   / 2003.10.13
Le courrier de Lee Kyoung-Hae a   / 2003.10.03
Caro Lee,
io donna dell'Occidente ricco voglio sperare che la tua morte
non sia dimenticata. Quando succedono disgrazie come queste,
oltre ad una profonda tristezza, provo una grande vergogna.
Paola   / 2003.09.30
Josefina Castillo
Lee, you are now among the enlightened. May your soul rest in peace. May your family find the strength to go on. May your immolation be the force to continue with our struggle for peace with justice.   / 2003.09.27
Paul J.Mark
Hopefully,the great sacrifice you made will not fall on deaf ears.It was a true act of courage of one's convictions and my condolences and best wishes go out to your family   / 2003.09.27
We will never forget your situation that made you choose to take you life. I honor and respect you for not commiting the act in the dead of night but taking it to an international protest so that you may be remembered in addition to the numerous other farmers who were in the same situation as you and who also saw no other way out. You will forever be remembered and the fight lives on in all of us   / 2003.09.27
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